Choose the Right Cooking Oil for Your Recipe

The right cooking oil can make a recipe really explode with flavor. Let us help so you don’t get stuck using the wrong one.

You’re brand new to cooking and it all just seems so overwhelming.  Take a breath and realize that every great cook had to have started somewhere.  You’re going to be just fine and you’ll get it figured out.

One ingredient that you can start to learn about is cooking oil.  Most people when they think of oil will immediately think of extra virgin olive oil or canola oil.  We get it…it’s because it’s the most common oils that you will use in the kitchen.  But there are so many different oils out there!

In the chart below, you’ll see that not only are oils listed – but also butter, vegetable shortening, and lard.  They’re on the list because the fats that they produce will be comparable to choosing an oil like avocado, coconut, or other cooking oils that are used in recipes.

So take a look at the chart below.  It’s super handy and can be a good reference point for you to have so you don’t get stuck with using the wrong oil at the wrong time.  Give it a look and bookmark this page if you want to reference this cooking oil chart in the future.

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